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What to Wear: Indie Concert Edition

Updated: Feb 26

If you're going to an indie concert anytime soon, or if you want to look like you are, give this a read.

This week, I’m writing yet another concert centered blog because I just attended my boyfriend’s show, and boy was I STRESSED trying to pick out an outfit.

After asking my two roommates and my mom over the course of 3 days, we eventually made a decision and picked one, but I’m here to prevent that level of stress from reaching you guys by providing 4 tips to follow when styling yourself for an indie concert...

a picture of a guitarist and a drummer playing a concert
Tate Brusa and Trent White (my boyfriend) performing at Kilby Court.

Tip 1: Layers

Layers are a girl's best friend, especially for concerts. Not only do they add dimension and easily elevate any outfit, but they're great for colder weather.

If you don't feel like carrying a jacket around during the concert or tying it around your waist (which totally kills an outfit), you can layer a long sleeve under your shirt. This way, you'll still have coverage to keep warm, but you don't have the hassle of holding a jacket.

Layers are also great for sweat. I find that I sweat a lot at concerts, especially when I'm dancing around and there are a lot of people in attendance. Layers act as a barrier between your sweat and your outfit, keeping your sweat from wafting out and from dampening your clothes where everyone can see it.

Tip 2: Incorporate a Statement Piece

Look, with all due respect, indie music lovers can be judgmental at times. This is because they're typically the people that thrift the most, so they're putting a lot of thought into their outfits and are looking to observe everyone else's.

The best way to make an impression in this scene is to incorporate a statement piece. It doesn't have to be big, but it needs to be something that can set you and your outfit apart.

Patterns, texture, and color are the easiest ways to do this. I recommend lace, fur, or cheetah print, but this part is really up to you and your style. As for colors, red and cerulean blue are great eye-catchers.

However, if you want to opt for a plainer and more comfortable outfit, for example, a black t-shirt and blue jeans, you can still accessorize to stand out. Look at fun jewelry or bags, even belts or hats to incorporate.

A picture of a boy and girl standing outside a concert venue smiling. The boy is wearing plaid and a beanie and the girl is wearing a blue cardigan with white pants and a headscarf
I paired a cerulean blue cardigan with a patterned headscarf for my boyfriend's concert.

Tip 3: Add a Personal Touch to Your Outfit

If you can find a way to incorporate the artist/venue into your outfit, then I say you 100% should. 

Don't be afraid to be a fangirl and show your support! I wanted to buy a drums t-shirt to support my boyfriend, but I waited too long to find one so I couldn't which really bummed me out.

Wearing merch makes the most sense to accomplish this. If you plan to buy some at the concert itself, make sure you plan a good base outfit that won't detract when you throw your merch on overtop. 

However, if you don't want to explicitly wear merch to show your love, then you can wear an outfit that is simply inspired by the artist. This gives you more creative freedom and is definitely more subtle.

Tip 4: Practical Accessories

There are two practical accessories that are no-brainers when it comes to attending concerts. The first one is to bring a bag.

Bringing a bag is ideal because you can hold anything you need in it. A water bottle, a portable charger, ChapStick, etc. However, some venues have a size limit when it comes to purses.

If this is the case, then hit up the thrift store and find one that meets the criteria. It's also a good place to find a statement purse if that's what you're going for.

The second one is to wear decent shoes. You want to be comfortable if you're standing the whole time, and typically you have to be okay with them getting scuffed up or stepped on (closed toe is best).

HOWEVER, indie concerts are different because there’s less moshing, so you're allowed some shoe freedom. For example, you can be more lenient and wear some chunky sandals or loafers.

two girls taking a mirror selfie in black mini skirts with chunky black loafers and cardigans
Examples of incorporating loafers and a purse into an outfit.

The next time you go to an indie concert, I hope these tips help you find an outfit in no time. Good luck, readers!



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